2023-2024 Executive
Katherine Zhang
Year: 4
Programs: IR and Public Policy majors
Favourite Course: MUS215 Performing Arts of East Asia
IO of Interest: UNESCO
Roman Empire: the role of racism, sinophobia and heightened political tensions in shaping first generation Chinese immigrants' identities, and the model minority myth.
Anna Lysenko
Year: 4
Programs: IR Specialist
Favourite Course: PHL256 Philosophy in the Age of the Internet
IO of Interest: UN Office for Outer Space Affairs
Roman Empire: the ongoing Russo-Ukrainian war, how fleeting social media activism is unless you're personally involved with the cause.
VP Administration
Spencer Lambert
Year: 3
Programs: IR and Environmental Studies majors
Favourite Course: HIS311 Canada in the World
IO of Interest: the International Committee of the Red Cross
Roman Empire: the reemergence of the Parti Quebecois and Quebec separatism
VP Communications
David Daigneault
Year: 3
Programs: IR and PCJ majors, Economics minor
Favourite Course: HPS200 Science and Values
IO of Interest: International Maritime Organization
Roman Empire: figuring our how to make homemade boba tea taste like the stores (it's not possible).
VP Finance
Pritika Vij
Year: 3
Programs: IR and Economic majors, Data Analytics focus
Favourite Course: GGR272 Geographic Information and Mapping
IO of Interest: World Bank
Roman Empire: telling people why we can't just print more money.
VP Mentorship
Marie Bérubé Boutin
Year: 3
Programs: IR and Ethics, Society and Law majors
Favourite Course: HIS311 Canada in the World
IO of Interest: UN Refugee Agency
Roman Empire: how impactful mentorship is 😉
VP Student Engagement
Jehan Im
Year: 2
Programs: IR and Public Policy majors
Favourite Course: RLG309 Religion and Human Rights
IO of Interest: UNESCO
Roman Empire: the geopolitical power dynamics in East Asia, what he's going to eat tomorrow.
Equity Commissioner
Chantale Lau
Year: 5
Programs: IR major, Political Science and Sociology minors
Favourite Course: TRN410 Researching Critical Cases in Contemporary IR
IO of Interest: Pacific Salmon Commission
Roman Empire: why think about the Roman Empire when you can think about the Mongol Empire?
Communications Executive
Chiqui Hong
Year: 4
Programs: IR and Economics majors
Favourite Course: HIS389 History of Soccer
IO of Interest: International Olympic Committee
Roman Empire: soft power and colonialism in its different "unconventional" forms.
Communications Executive
Joanna Narkiewicz
Year: 2
Programs: IR and Economics majors
Favourite Course: POL106 Democracy in the Social Media Age
IO of Interest: European Union
Roman Empire: summer! Joanna hates winter and wishes it was warm and sunny everyday.
Second Year Representative
Juhyung Yun
Year: 2
Programs: IR and Public Policy majors
Favourite Course: CAS200 Introduction to Contemporary Asian Studies
IO of Interest: World Wildlife Fund
Roman Empire: red pandas when they stand up to defend themselves.
Second Year Representative
Trevor Cheh
Year: 2
Programs: IR and Economics majors
Favourite Course: POL208 Introduction to IR
IO of Interest: International Ice Hockey Federation
Roman Empire: what he's going to eat next.
First Year Representative
Poornashree Raju
Year: 1
Programs: Social Sciences
Favourite Course: TRN151 Global Governance
IO of Interest: OECD
Roman Empire: how the world would be worse off without international organizations and clicking photos of her dog Henry!
Past Executive Teams